In the last Chinese new year vacation, our family was to go went to the Sun Moon Lake, because we were to celebrate the Chinese New Year meaningful day of the year, The Sun Moon lake what is the a beautiful place. We were looked (went) around the lake it by ship, it is which made us felt feel very comfortable. At last, and then we were taken took pictures with of it. A few days later, we were to go went to visit my aunt’s home, there has were many relatives in his home and they all were very nice. The best most funny thing is was playing with my older female cousin. She is funny for interesting to me, and we were to go went to shopping and talked something about ourselves, and do more and more we did many things together, So my older female cousin she is really likes my sister. This is my vacation in last Chinese new year, I think it was very funny for me. How what do you think?
1. Chinese new year 應僅Chinese 第一個字母須大寫,不宜將”新年”也視為專有名詞。
2. be to 是有”將要”的意義,但對一件過去做的事,直接以過去式來表達,不必使用具”將來”意味的文字,原寫法不是可為的選項,是錯誤的寫法。
3. 避免在一段文字中,一直重複一名詞,如 the Sun Moon Lake和 the Chinese new year就重複使用多次,產生繞口令的效果,是寫文章所忌諱的,應用其他文字來表達或簡化原有之文字,於再次提及時不必使用全名。
4. The lake is a beautiful place, “是一個美麗的地方”,應用不定冠詞a,意為是很多美麗地方中的一個,如只有它是美麗的,就可用定冠詞 the,the 用於指特定的事物,如只有日月潭是美麗的,我們只要說”the beautiful lake (place)”, 不須指名,大家就知道是日月潭,但事實上,不可能只有它是美的。
5. We were looked around…….., be動詞後加形容詞或分詞,不可加動詞,原句有were,成了被動式,但"我們看”是主動,非被動,而此句以look為重點文字,因此要修正或刪除者為 were 。
6. it is felt comfortable, 會感覺舒服的應是有生命、靈性的人類,不是景色。如此句是被動式表達,似也少有人如此寫法,建議修正表達方式。
7. funny 具有可笑、好笑的意味,並非都是完全正面的意義,如小丑的表演讓我們覺得好笑、好玩 funny, 某人的行為可笑,也使用funny,但一件事令我們覺得很有趣,有意思,就必須使用 fun.
8. "最”怎樣的情況,此”最”在英文是the most, the best 指”最好”,非僅是”最”的意思。
9. She is like my sister,表(堂)姊是真的sister,不是像而已,此句有點見外親人。
10. "你覺得呢?"What do you think?,How do you think ? 意思較傾LV超3A名牌購物網